Leaders in Conversation with Anni Townend

Leadership, Creativity and Reflection - a conversation with Carien Borst Artist and Leadership Coach

Anni Townend Episode 71

Leaders in Conversation with Anni Townend is the podcast in which I talk to leaders about their own life and leadership stories, to encourage you to reflect on your values, beliefs, passion and purpose, and inspire you to be even more confident and courageous in your leadership.

About this episode:

Today’s guest is Carien Borst, Artist and Leadership Coach. In this episode we are talking about Creativity and Reflection in Leadership - how every job is a creative act, and how we all have a part to play in creating a workplace and environment in which there is harmony, diversity and contrast.

Carien offers valuable insights into:

  • How as human beings we are all creative
  • How through being creative it can be an endless source of life energy
  • Knowing and being yourself - how being authentic and vulnerable gives others permission to be authentic and vulnerable
  • Creativity and how it’s related to leadership 

Carien's Three Key Encouragements to Leaders:

  1. Know yourself, and be yourself - We serve the world by showing ourselves who we are! 
  2. Explore, experiment, play and be creative - Let go of the outcome and experience joy! Remember to play and take time to simply enjoy creative activities. 
  3. We create all day - By choosing our words and by our reaction towards others. 

Connect, follow and find out more about Carien:

LinkedIn: Carien (Mooibroek) Borst 

Website: www.carienborst.nl 

Instagram: @carien_borst_art

To listen to other Leaders in Conversation with me Anni Townend:
Email me on anni@annitownend.com
Visit my website www.annitownend.com 
Follow me on LinkedIn

About Carien Borst:

Carien was born and raised in the Netherlands. She studied Art Therapy and Human Development. 

Carien worked for 15 years in mental healthcare, and for about 10 years in different leadership roles. She started as a team leader and the last years as a manager of the eleven sheltered living houses for people who suffered from all sorts of psychiatric diseases.

Around 7 years ago Carien started to realise she was missing creativity in her life. Due to a busy job, two young children and simply not prioritising what she needed. 

After a weekend spent in a monastery, filled with silence and creativity she decided to change things in her life. She woke up early every day to create in silence. Writing, creating an art journal, sitting still and taking time to think and feel. She chose to follow art courses and slowly new ideas developed. How could she bring this creativity into her leadership role?

She found the courage to bring three pillars together in her own business: creativity, leadership and reflection. Based on her experience as a leader in mental healthcare but also through her journey in opening up again for the power of creating and growing in being a painter and artist.